Updated planning of ILC during 2021–2024 in pressure and vacuum


ILC pressure 2021:1

Possible start April/May 2021, one package involving:

Gauge pressure (gas)

Range: ± 1 bar,

Calibration points: -0,95; -0,5; 0; 0,3; 0,5; 1 bar

Range: 0 – 30 bar

Calibration points: 0; 6; 12; 18; 24; 30 bar

A pilot laboratory will be used.

Revised description of the intercomparison/ILC


ILC Pressure 2022:1

Possible start July 2022, one package involving: Gauge pressure (oil)

Range: 0 – 300 bar;

Transfer standard: LEX 1
Calibration points: 0; 60; 120; 180; 240; 300 bar.
Observe: You do not need to calibrate all pressure levels

Range: 0 – 2000 bar
Transfer standard: LEX 1

Calibration points: 0; 300; 600; 1200; 1600; 2000 bar

Observe: You do not need to calibrate all pressure levels

A reference laboratory will be used.

Description of the intercomparison/ILC


ILC Pressure 2023:1

possible start July 2024, one package involving:
Absolute pressure
Range: 1E-3 – 1 torr; 1E0 – 100 torr; 900 – 1100 hPa
Transfer standard: Pfeiffer CMR 371 and 374 as well as Keller 1
A reference laboratory will be used.

Preliminary registration form

Description of the ILC

ILC Pressure 2023:2 

possible start June 2023

Pressure 0-5000 bar

Observe: You do not need to calibrate on the full range.

A reference laboratory will be used.

Revised description ILC Pressure 2023:2

Registration form


ILC Pressure 2024:1

possible start January 2024, one package involving:

Differential pressure (possible start February 2024)

Range: ± 250 Pa and ± 2500 Pa
Transfer standard Additel 681A
Calibration points: ± (0; 50; 100; 150; 200; 250) Pa
Calibration points: ± (0; 500; 1000; 1500; 2000; 2500) Pa

A reference laboratory will be used.

Registration form

Description on ILC pressure 2024:1


Please inform us if you are interested in any field in pressure and vaccum.
We have now also prepared to arrange intercomparisons in other areas where there is no service available now in Europe.
Please send a request to us through e-mail hakan.kallgren@smquality.se and we will see how we may support you.