Updated planning of ILC during 2021–2024 in length and geometric calibrations
ILC Length 2021:1
2021 possible start March/April, one package involving:
Gauge blocks
- 1,26 mm, 50 mm, 80 mm
- Outside analog 75-100 mm
- Outside digital 25-50 mm
- Inside 50-75 mm— 2- point
- Outside analog 0-150 mm
- Outside digital 0-150 mm
Dial gauge indicator
- Analogue 0-10 mm
A pilot laboratory will be used.
Revised description of the intercomparison/ILC
ILC Length 2021:2 (start July 2022)
One package involving:
Gauge blocks (report 1)
2mm, 50 mm, 200 mm, and 600 mm.
For the 600 mm gauge block, only the central length will be considered
Observe: You do not need to calibrate all gauge blocks.
A reference laboratory will be used.
Control rods / micrometer setting standards (Report 1)
100 mm and 500 mm
Observe: You can choose to only calibrate one if you do not cover both lengths
A reference laboratory will be used.
Inside micrometers (Report 2)
2-point inside micrometer 75-600 mm
Observe: You do not need to cover all distances
A reference laboratory will be used.
Calliper (report 2)
600 mm
Observe: You do not need to cover the whole range
A reference laboratory will be used.
Revised Description of the intercomparison/ILC Length 2021:2
ILC Length 2022:1 (possible start Januari 2023)
One package involving:
Different length measures
Measuring tapes 50 m
Laser distance meter
Line scale of glass, 200 mm
A reference laboratory will be used.
Description of the ILC length 2022:1
ILC Angle measurement 2023:1 (possible start January 2024)
Bevel Protractor 0 – 360º (0,1°)
A reference laboratory will be used.
Revised description on ILC Angle 2023:1
ILC Angle measurement 2023:2 (Possible start March 2025)
Digital Precision level 0 – 90º (0,05°)
Details will be decided based on interest
A reference laboratory will be used.
Description of the intercomparison/ILC will be published in Jan 2025.
ILC Length 2023:1 (possible start April 2025)
Surface tables (flatness measurement) on site. Location somewhere in Nordic
Reference value will be implemented.
Description of the intercomparison/ILC will be published Jan 2025.
ILC Length 2023:2 (possible start in October 2025)
One package involving:
Metric thread measurements, thread gauges and thread ring gauges
Reference or consensus values will be implemented.
A reference laboratory will be used.
Description of the intercomparison/ILC will be published Jan 2025.
ILC Length 2024:1 (Changed start to September 2024)
One package involving:
Different length measures
Calliper 150 mm (resolution 0,01mm)
Micrometer 25 mm (resolution 0,001mm)
Micrometer 25 mm (resolution 0,0001mm)
A reference laboratory will be used.
Revised description of the ILC length 2024:1
ILC Length 2024:2 (Changed to March 2025)
Other equipment according to requests.
- Plug gauges,
- Setting rings,
- Measuring tapes 3 m.
- Line scale of glass 500 mm
ILC length 2024:3 (possible start November 2024)
Coordinate measuring machines
Location somewhere in Europe
Reference or consensus value will be implemented
Description will be published in August 2024
ILC Length 2024:4 (possible start November 2024)
One package involving:
Different length measures
Control rod 1000 mm
Calliper 1000 mm
Micrometer 500 mm
A reference laboratory will be used.
Description will be published in August 2024
Please inform us if you are interested in any field related to length that are not
mentioned above.
Please inform us if you are interested in any of these fields.
We are now also prepared to arrange intercomparisons in different areas where there is no service available now in Europe.
Please send a request to us through e-mail hakan.kallgren@smquality.se and we will see how we may support you.